Residential College Scholarship

Residential College Scholarship

Suggested Reading Timeline developed by Carl Krieger, Director of Residential Life, Purdue University

Books & Articles

A Collegiate Way of Living by Matt Ryan

How to Build a Residential College by Robert O’Hara

Residential Colleges: A Legacy of Living & Learning Together by Matt Ryan


Different by Design: An Examination of Student Outcomes Among Participants in Three Types of Living-Learning Programs by Karen Inkelas and Jennifer Weisman

The Effect of Student-Faculty Interaction on Students’ Educational Outcomes by Jean Endo and Richard Harpel

The Effects of Student-Faculty Interaction In the 1990s by George Kuh and Shouping Hu

Enhancing Undergraduate Education: Examining Faculty Experiences During Their First Year in a Residential College and Exploring the Implications for Student Affairs Professionals by Jody Jessup-Anger, Matthew Wawrzynski, and Christina Yao

Examining How Residential College Environments Inspire the Life of the Mind by Jody Jessup-Anger

Faculty-Student Interaction Outside the Classroom: A Typology from a Residential College by Bradley Cox and Elizabeth Orehovec

Harvard Houses: The Value of the Tutorial System by Suzy Nelson, Laura Johnson, and Lisa Boes

Hogwarts: The Learning Community by Jodi Levine and Nancy Shapiro

The Intersections of Living-Learning Programs and Social Identity as Factors of Academic Achievement and Intellectual Engagement by Penny Pasque and Rena Murphy

Learning at any time: Supporting student learning wherever it happens by Rishi Sriram, Frank Shushok, Doug Henry, and Glenn Blalock

Patterns of Student-Faculty Informal Interaction beyond the Classroom and Voluntary Freshman Attrition by Ernest Pascarella and Patrick Terenzini

“Principles of Good Practice” for Academic and Student Affairs Partnership Programs by Elizabeth Whitt, Becki Nesheim, Melanie Guentzel, Angela Kellogg, William McDonald, and Cynthia Wells

Reflections of a Professor on Nine Years of Living in the Dorms…I mean Residence Halls by Robert A. Rhoads

The Role of Autonomy Support and Autonomy Orientation in Prosocial Behavior Engagement by Marlène Gagné

Student Outcomes: The Impact of Varying Living-Learning Community Models by Martha Stassen

What is a Collegiate Way of Living Worth? Exploring the Costs and Benefits of Residential Colleges as Perceived by Faculty and Chief Housing Officers by James Penven

