


Section 1.1. Name.

The name of the organization shall be Residential College Society.

Section 1.2. Vision.

Transforming higher education by advancing the residential college experience.

Section 1.3. Mission.

The Residential College Society seeks to transform higher education by providing a learning network for faculty and student affairs educators to share knowledge, build community, and advance scholarship about the residential college experience.

Section 1.4. Pillars.

The initiatives, programs, and services of the Residential College Society are focused on four primary pillars:

  • Experience
  • Scholarship
  • Knowledge
  • Community
Section 1.5. Definition.

Residential colleges have a rich history in higher education worldwide, taking many forms and functions. In an effort to focus the purpose of the Residential College Society, the following definition of “residential college” is provided:

A residential college is a collegiate residential environment in which live-in faculty play an integral role in the programmatic experience and leadership of the community. Residential colleges also include at least one of the following components:

  • Academic department association
  • Strong partnerships and collaboration between academic affairs and student affairs
  • Linked credit-bearing academic courses
  • Academic experiences (curricular and/or co-curricular) infused into the life of the residential college
  • Traditional programming including social events, meals, and associated faculty-student engagement


Section 2.1. Executive Leadership Team.

The Executive Leadership Team is the policy-making body and may exercise all the powers and authority granted to conduct the business and affairs of the Residential College Society. The Executive Leadership Team shall consist of eight members, all of whom have experience with residential colleges and/or a residential college model, and are affiliated with a postsecondary institution.

Section 2.2. Authority.

The Executive Leadership Team shall determine its own structure and operating procedures. The powers of the Executive Leadership Team include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Vision and strategic planning for the Society
  • Approval of the annual symposium location, theme, and programs
  • Providing oversight for additional programs and resources
  • Maintaining marketing materials, online presence, mailing list, and archive of Society documents
  • Approval of the annual Society budget, investments, and expenditures
  • Approval of all contractual relationships and partnerships with other professional associations or government agencies
  • Development and review of the conditions of employment for any persons employed by the Association
  • Selection, appointment, and dismissal of members of the Executive Leadership Team
Section 2.3 Selection.

Candidates for the Executive Leadership Team must be employed at a higher education institution and have prior or current experience with a residential college or a residential college model in a college/university setting. The Co-Chairs will coordinate the annual selection process, which includes determining a timeline and releasing the call for applications/nominations in consultation with the Local Host Institution. 
The initial solicitation for applications/nominations will be made during the annual Symposium of the year prior to the Executive Leadership Team vacancy/vacancies. Participants will also be asked about their interest in serving on the Executive Leadership Team in the post-Symposium assessment instrument. All nominations/applications must be received by January 1st of the year the new member’s term would begin. The current Executive Leadership Team will review nominations and select members for appointment to the Executive Leadership Team no later than the spring program planning meeting so that new team members have sufficient time to make appropriate travel arrangements for the annual fall Symposium.

The Executive Leadership Team will strive to maintain a membership that reflects a diverse representation of stakeholders, including:

  • Campus Roles: faculty, student affairs (entry/mid-level), senior administrators (academic and student affairs)
  • Institution Types: size, private/public, US/International
  • Types of Residential Colleges: selective, whole campus, etc.
  • Regions within and outside of the U.S.
Section 2.4 Tenure.

Terms of office for Executive Leadership Team members shall begin at the annual fall Symposium. Members shall serve one three-year term and may be elected to one additional three-year term, not to exceed six consecutive years. Executive Leadership Team members who are at the end of their first term may be renewed for a second term by majority vote of the members. Notice of intent to serve a second term must be given no later than the March Executive Leadership Team Meeting of the year in which one’s term would otherwise expire. Voting to renew a Team member’s term must occur prior to the spring program planning meeting and may occur via electronic ballot.

Section 2.5. Compensation.

Executive Leadership Team members shall serve without compensation with the exception that expenses incurred in the furtherance of the Society’s business are allowed to be reimbursed with documentation and prior approval, if finances allow.

Section 2.6. Resignation and Dismissal.

Any Executive Leadership Team member may resign at any time upon written notice to the Co-Chairs. Should a Co-Chair wish to resign, written notice should be delivered to the entire Executive Leadership Team. Such resignation shall be effective at the time specified therein, and the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective. Any Executive Leadership Team member may be dismissed at any time by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Leadership Team whenever, in its judgment, it is in the best interests of the Society.

Section 2.7 Vacancies.

Vacancies shall be filled by the Executive Leadership Team with the recommendations of the Co-Chairs. Vacancies existing by reason of resignation, death, incapacity, or removal before the expiration of his/her term shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining Leadership Team members. In the event of a tie vote, the Co-Chairs shall choose from the persons who received the same amount of votes. A member appointed to fill a vacancy shall be appointed for the unexpired term of that member’s predecessor in office.

Section 2.8. Extension of Term for Officers.

Any member who is selected to serve as an officer may serve an additional one or two years beyond the term limit set forth in Section 2.4 in order to serve a complete term in office.


Section 3.1 Officers.

The officers of the Executive Leadership Team shall consist of two co-chairs, a secretary, a media and marketing coordinator, and a website manager. Officers will be nominated no later than the spring program planning meeting prior to the fall Symposium at which they would begin their officer duties. The Executive Team will vote on officers and make appointments no later than the September virtual team meeting. Officers will begin their official term on the final day of the annual Symposium. Officers will serve a term of two years, with the exception of the Co-Chairs, who each serve a three-year term.

Section 3.2. Co-Chairs.

There shall be two Co-Chairs: one representing Student Affairs and one representing Academic Affairs. The Co-Chairs shall serve as the senior officers of the Residential College Society. The duties of the Co-Chairs shall include, but are not limited to, the following:

Overall guidance of Executive Leadership Team and Residential College Society

  • Set annual agenda in consultation with the Executive Leadership Team
  • Call and lead meetings of Executive Leadership Team
  • Coordinate application process for new Executive Leadership Team members
  • Coordinate election process for new Co-Chairs or for renewal (in accordance with governing document)
  • Supervise the Residential College Symposium Host Site Team
  • Oversee financial planning and budget management for the Society
Section 3.3. Secretary.

The duties of the Secretary shall include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Records all notes and minutes from Executive Team meetings
  • Circulates all notes and minutes from Executive Team meetings
  • Archives all documents
  • Creates and/or maintains electronic mailing lists for RCS and subgroups within RCS
  • Works closely with Host Site Team to coordinate communication with members/participants
  • Sends out acceptance and rejection notices on behalf of RCS following the Executive Leadership Team’s spring program planning meeting
Section 3.4. Website Manager.

The duties of the Website Manager shall include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Maintenance of website hosting and annual hosting contract
  • Website content updates
  • Coordination and uploading of documents for RCS digital “library”
  • Design and/or maintenance of design and navigation that is responsive to needs of RCS
  • Marketing of annual Symposium and related events in consultation with the
  • Host Site Team
  • Coordination of announcements and social media integration with Media and Marketing Editor
Section 3.5. Media and Marketing Editor.

The duties of the Media and Marketing Editor shall include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Creation and/or maintenance of RCS’s social media presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and related platforms
  • Writing updates and press releases on the work of the Society, its Executive Leadership Team, its participants and/or members
  • Creating publicity content for the annual Symposium in coordination with the Host Site Team
  • Coordination of the posting and sharing of content and news items on RCS’s social media platforms with the Website Manager, Secretary, and when applicable, the Host Site Team
  • Connecting to participants’ institutions and posting/sharing relevant news about residential colleges on social media


Section 4.1. Committees and Work Team.

The Co-Chairs shall, with the concurrence of the Executive Leadership Team, appoint committees and work teams as needed. The size, duration, and responsibilities of these groups shall be established by the Executive Leadership Team. The Co-Chairs, with guidance from the Executive Leadership, may make such provisions for appointment of the chairperson of such committees; establish procedures to govern their activities, and delegate authority as may be necessary or desirable for the efficient management of the business and activities of the Society.

Section 4.2. Standing Committees and/or Work Teams.

The Residential College Society shall have the following standing committees and/or planning teams:
Symposium Host Site Team: Responsible for symposium logistics, including budget and finances, plenary speakers’ honoraria, housing, meals, meeting locations, invitations, registration, website and marketing, and special events/activities. RCS Co-Chairs are ex-officio members of this team and provide support and feedback to the local host as well as ensure that the host institution adheres to the local host guidelines established by the Residential College Society.


Section 5.1. Executive Leadership Team Meetings.

The Executive Leadership Team will hold a virtual meeting at least four times per year: January, March, July, and September. The Executive Leadership Team will hold an in-person meeting one-two times per year, once for program planning purposes in late spring (typically April or May) if travel schedules and funding permit, and once in conjunction with the Residential College Symposium. Executive Leadership Team members are required to attend the in-person meetings and participate in scheduled virtual meetings. Situations that prevent any member from attending an in-person meeting will be handled on a case-by-case basis, and every effort will be made by the Executive Leadership Team and the absentee to participate virtually. Agendas shall be provided at least 48 hours in advance.

Section 5.2. Notice of Meetings.

In the case of regular virtual meetings of the Executive Leadership Team, at least 15 days advance notice is required. Notice of an in-person meeting shall be made with reasonable notice for members to facilitate the necessary travel arrangements. Special meetings may be called by the Co-Chairs or at the request of any three (3) members by giving notice via email or telephone to each member of the Executive Leadership Team not less than forty-eight (48) hours before such meeting.

Section 5.3 Quorum.

A quorum shall consist of a simple majority (one more than half) of the Executive Leadership Team. A quorum is required for the transaction of business.

Section 5.4. Voting Rights.

Each Executive Leadership Team member is allowed one (1) vote. Voting for selection of Executive Leadership Team members, election of officers, amendments to the bylaws, or any other action or motion will be determined by majority rules using quorum established as outlined in Section 5.3.

Section 5.5. Absentee Voting.

Any Executive Leadership Team member who is unable to be present for a vote on any action may submit their vote electronically and in writing to a Co-Chair on or before the date of the vote provided that all members of the Executive Leadership Team receive written notification of the proposed action at least 48 hours prior to the vote.

Section 5.6. Conflict of Interest.

Whenever an Executive Leadership Team member has a financial or personal interest in any matter coming before the Executive Leadership Team, the affected person shall (a) fully disclose the nature of the interest and (b) withdraw from discussion, lobbying, and voting on the matter. Any transaction or vote involving a potential conflict of interest shall be approved only when a majority of disinterested members determine that it is in the best interest of the Society to do so. The minutes of meetings at which such votes are taken shall record such disclosure, abstention and rationale for approval.


These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Leadership Team. Proposed amendments shall be presented in writing to the Co-Chairs and copies of the proposed amendment(s) shall be provided to each Executive Leadership Team member at least 15 days before the scheduled meeting.


These bylaws were approved by a two-thirds majority vote on September 21, 2017.

